Saturday 25 March 2017

Shoot 2

Shoot 2

Shoot two consisted of the main shots with Daniel at his house, long with the kiss between Daniel and Cara. The picture on the right shows the outfit that Daniel wore in the filming, which consisted on a smart casual jacket, designer top and dark trousers and boots. The overall look is showing a confident and smart young man which helps show the characters personality.

Within the first clip (the top one) it is showing a memory between the couple. Within the editing we cut the beginning of this clip to make it shorter and to flow more, then changing it from colour to Black and White. The change is colour helps portray that this memory is happening in a different time frame from the other clips which are in colour. Having a change in colour creates a time change and depth in the film, which supports the non-linear structure Kat and I are working along.

The second clip is showing one of the angles I filmed showing Callum (playing Daniel) leaving his house. Filming this from two different angles helps with continuity and allows the film to flow more. This was filmed using a tripod which helps secure a more balanced shot, I would recommend the use of a tripod for shots like this.

The third clip is showing Callum getting ready in his bedroom, this shot is face on, clearly showing Callum getting ready in the morning. If we filmed this from a different angle it wold portray something different (disorganisation and because Callum isnt centred in the middle of the shot, a feeling of discomfort). Filming from straight on, Callum roughly being in the middle of the shot helps portray a simple life/lifestyle, if closely observed the shot isn't quite straight on, it is facing more to the right which gives a more 'open to the audience' atmosphere.

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