Tuesday 28 March 2017

Deliberate Editing

Deliberate Editing

Within filiming Kat and I decided to deliberately edit this clip to make it look 'grinder', this affect was also used in the clip where Cara is being hit by the car. 
This deliberate change in footage is to portray the the 'memory' or 'flash forwards in time' is fuzzy and hard to remember. The original footage (the bottom picture) was clear but adding the effect has created more of a texture weighing the footage. I also believe that it has a metaphorical meaning. Cara is quite possibly in critical pain, and so with the use of 'grain' it helps emphasis her stuggle in recovering and remembering what happened to her.
The use of black and white helps to show a time change or a difference in time, whether this is a flash to the tire of something Cara is in currently or a memory, our storyline is non linear and we with that it creates all of these different meanings for what is actually happening.

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