Tuesday 14 February 2017

Call Sheet

These two attachments are the front and back of the 'Call Sheet' written for our production Remember Us. Having a Call Sheet helped with the specific things about the opening of our film, like the reasons why we go to the locations, things about the characters and roughly how long each clip will take to film. We wrote this out before we started filming and so when it came around to using this as reference to the filming times we had to change a few things slightly as it took a little longer than we thought it would to film some clips, others took less time or the right amount of time. Travel made everything a little harder, we had to become more organised to fit everything in. Over all I learnt allot, I have become better at managing my time and organising meet ups to film, along with my filming skills- needing to think out of the box for what could work, this was a positive experience.

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