Wednesday 5 April 2017

Film Change

Film Change

We decided to change the way we planned the film because originally the plan was too in depth and showed more of the film that we could fit in. With the use of flash forwards and backwards as inspirations, we decided to create the first two minutes as the flash forwards (after the breakup) to help portray the struggle Cara is going through as we only touched on it originally. 
Romance films pin-point emotions and feelings, and this is what we wanted to change in our film. the first change we made was adding voice overs -having to re do them a few times to make them sound more emotional- and then changing the shots from what we originally used.

The film change was a big move because we have written this whole blog around the first idea, but the change has been shown through the development of our film and it made sense to change the clip footage that makes a better and easier narrative to follow.
Originally we got too caught up in the whole story and didn't consider how to portray a romance film. It was clear that our film was a tragedy with multiple ending scenarios, full of deep, traumatic experiences that adults try to over look in the 'real world' even though they experienced it too.
Teenagers can't be upset, they get everything.
Young adults cant be depressed.
You cant fall in love at a young age.
These are stereotypes adults persecute young people with, assuming all those feelings are only felt when you're older; which isn't true as the more 'mature' adults decide to become oblivious to their past experiences, where it all happened to them.

We decided to look at our film from another angle, one of emotions and something teenagers can relate too, which would attract more teenagers (from both genders) to watch the film as it becomes more relatable, breaking the wreckless facade teenagers have held against them.
For us it made sense to start the film with the emotions Cara would be feeling after the breakup, it then escalating to the car crash and flashbacks to it happening, conditions happening before, during and after it happening. These different changes in time begins to create a mixed/non linear narrative, piecing together her broken mental state and that's the topic we wanted to focus on and bring out more.

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