Saturday 1 April 2017

Final Edit Of Film

Final Edit Of Film

This is one of our last edits of our film. Taking on board the feedback we were given from our last version of our film, it has enabled us to work on what was needed to be improved. Kat and I filmed a car crashing scene, and changed the order of our film around to suit the non linear structure we were initially aiming for. Another change was adding voice overs. It has changed how the opening of our film looks, making it appear more focused on the narrative of the protagonist, Cara.

These changes have helped us develop our skills in filming and editing as we found that feedback helps us improve allot more than what we initially thought, it has helped us develop the film to our own taste and to our audiences, which is a crucial part of understanding how audiences work and how they can view things differently to how we, as the editors, think its being viewed as.

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