- man has deep voice
stereotypically a male thing
- music plays when woman speaks and not when the man does
gender roles?
determines the importance of what he/she is saying
- music- mysterious
- impatience is shown during the videos when music isn't being played
- sound of feet walking
quiet background noises- foot steps belong to important person - male
- upbeat music
causes feelings of turmoil
Mise En Scene
- as she is talking the camera is not focused on her
- man looks moody, allows woman to talk for him
gender roles
work partners
- he is covered up more with clothes while woman is more revealing
- woman looks more calm when speaking
- he makes direct eye contact
- while he talks woman watches him and while she spoke he didn't watch her
- both have coffee
on the same level-knowledge of situation, and work place
- John walking forward, camera follows
- Sherlock hitting body, surrounded by a clear area
shows what he's doing is important
- dark-murky
- blue tinge to screen
helps convey emotions being felt at that time
serious situation
- brightens a little when man starts to speak
- becomes lighter/ warmer toned light when john shows
connotations of a happier atmosphere
a good character
- camera showing john and man sat on bench, lighting is murky
talking about bad memories
- showing Sherlock and dead body-murky lighting
connotations of death/ dealing with a murder
Camera Angles and Editing
- a space between man and women even though they are sitting next to each other
shows their relationship
different work status'
- when woman talks the camera is far away when the man talks its closer
- more focus on man
- camera moves about when woman speaks and doesn't for man
- when text messages come through camera still on him-then focus back on him after
- two shot
- zooms in when man starts speaking
- camera hand held, POV of John
- when john was asked if he'd been shot the camera moved to show his expression towards the question
- convo= over the shoulder shot/focus on one person talking
gives equal control over scene because they are both male
- show POV of dead person
what they would see when Sherlock opens body bag
- Sherlock dismissive of body bag
- whipping dead body
shows that he has control over the situation
- camera angle is on the same level as the dead body
makes Sherlock look bigger-more authority
giving the audience the same authority level as the dead person
- Molly Hooper is standing outside of the room
this has denotations of less power/ less inferior (gender roles)
- Molly in room alone with Sherlock wearing lipstick
has meanings of love and attraction
she wants to feel 'prettier'
- Sherlock is blunt
because of his gender?
different types of male attributes